It doesn't matter if the concrete is clean, dirty new or old; all concrete gets ground. Grinding your concrete insures you're getting a blank canvas to work off of. And don't worry about the dust, we use only the best HEPA vac's on the market to ensure your area will be kept almost completely dust free. From our large planetary 1000+ lb grinder down to our hand grinders, everything is ran off its own HEPA vacuum system powered by our generators and/or propane when permissible. After the floor is clean and dust free we address all the damages and repair them.
If you have a small amount of cracks, spalling or pitting those problems can be fixed with polyurea, epoxy quick patch and poly crack filler. Sometimes if its too severe or its very unlevel you might be recommended to consider an overlay. An overlay is simply a facelift for your floor. A cementitious, hydraulic based material that self levels with the aid of our experienced staff. These new floors are often twice the PSI as Portland based poured concrete. So not only are you getting a facelift but you're getting a superior face.
A grout coat is simply a thin mileage coating of clear material over another coating. If this grout coat is put down within the recoat window of the existing material that the grout coat is going over; it will cure harmoniously into a solid mass. This bonds with the flake and the initial material under the flake perfectly. An added benefit is that it provides a smooth and definitive layer underneath your top coat. This will allow a recoat down the road much easier because you are not sanding/grinding into the flake coat. If return to service is crucial, we can eliminate the grout coat and instead install a thick top coat of polyasaprtic over the sanded down flakes.
Licence number: PA#165436
814 Epoxy and More LLC